Develop Puzzles, Riddles and Earn Money.

Are you a creative puzzle and riddle developer? Got new riddle ideas?
You can partner with Riddlebook and earn some quick money!

Sign up now

Work for part-time,
earn and experience!

Riddlebook is a game zone and we are looking for part-time puzzle creators. This is a wonderful work from home opportunity. There is no restriction on geography. You will be paid for puzzles which are selected for our upcoming game. Share time with logically minded people, who want to earn a bit of extra income!

  • You just need to create puzzle ideas, questions, theme and instructions to the designer.
  • Our expert team will create a copy, the story around your idea, designs and make the game.
  • You will be paid for the puzzles you create and a bonus based on the success of your game.


Sign Up Now. We will send you an NDA and let's have a quick chat!

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